So I've been back in Monrovia for a week now and loving it. Yogurt, couches, and flushing toilets are all great to me these days! I have a few new details to share about life in Liberia. I am finished with VBS and now helping to set-up a monitoring and evaluation department. It sounds much less exciting, I know - BUT it is a great way for me to use this master's degree that I'm toting around and I get to work with a wonderful woman from Pakistan, Celestina.
Another person that I get to work with these days is my friend Phil who was serving in Zimbabwe. Because of the deteriorating situation in Zim, he was sent to Liberia for a little while to work with our team. It's been fantastic sharing a piece of this experience with him. I never in a million years expected Phil to come and work in Liberia. God is good!!
Finally, the picture above is of my housemate Janell with JJ. Please keep Janell in your prayers as she is suffering from a tough bout of malaria. She's receiving treatment, but still vulnerable and very fatigued.
By the way, I saw a cockroach the size of a mouse last night and the spiders are bigger than the palm of my hand - no lie. I've learned that when I open the kitchen door, I need to pause a couple moments to let all the critters run back in their holes. And today my friend Willie killed a snake whose bite will supposedly kill you in an instant. Crazy Africa - lovin it! I'll post some more pictures soon!