Thank you, Lord - for bringing our families together - in Africa.
This long pause is finally broken. I have so much to tell you. I'll need to do this in segments, so please bare with me.
Earlier this month, Phil and I were blessed with a visit from our parents. Three sets. None of whom had been to Africa. Mine never having been across the Atlantic. Exciting to say the least. We are still amazed and grateful that everyone was willing and able to come - at the same time. This could only be God.
So here we are...outside of Phil's office in Nairobi on a warm, sunny day. An answer to so many prayers.
Everyone arrived safely. Bags intact - all 20 of them - seriously. Though we were happiest just having them "with us", they came bearing gifts. They blessed us and almost the entirety of Kenya and Uganda - such generous hearts. Thanks again!!
Here's a picture of us SO happy to see LaNea and Steve at the airport. I love the smile on Phil's face, hugging his dad. There are a few of the many bags in the background. :)
Here's a picture of my mom and I at the airport - again - SO happy to see each other.
Fortunately there was space enough for everyone to stay together at Phil's apartment in Nairobi. So, our first morning together, we were able to stay "home" and make breakfast together. It was fun and gave everyone some time to ease their way into it all.
So this was our happy beginning. I know it doesn't really look like everyone's in Africa yet, but soon. We did ease them in, you know. Though they didn't really need it. I'll be posting more details and pictures in the days to come. And just maybe, Phil will be posting pictures as well. ;)