and ridiculously happy! It was wonderful to see everyone. Each of you added joy to our wedding and homecoming. As you can imagine, we are overflowing right now. God is so good!
A quick update for now: we are both living in Nairobi - together at last. (I said a bittersweet goodbye to my friends in Uganda before the wedding.) Phil is already back in the office, and working hard for his team and the people of South Sudan. I am learning Nairobi and seeking God for my place here.
In two things I am confident right now, I am blessed to be here with my two great loves (God and Phil) and I am enjoying them both very much!
We are working on a new "joint" blog so that we can share our photos and stories from one site. It is very much in the construction stage right now, but by next week we should have some fun stuff on there (wedding, honeymoon photos, etc...). Here is the new link: www.philandmel.wordpress.com.
Again - our sincere thanks to all of you for celebrating with us - God blessed us so much through you!