Are you ready for this post? I might fire some people up with this one, but here it goes.
I recently had a long, passionate conversation with my Ugandan co-workers about homosexuality. They were locked in a car with me for 5 hours, so they got a lot of my mind on this. I saw them passing a piece of paper around and signing it. Out of curiousity, I asked to see it. It was a petition. Against homosexuality in Uganda. And all my co-workers were signing it.
I felt my temperature rising, but I tried to keep my cool. "What is this guys?" I asked.
They explained to me that homosexuality is illegal in Uganda. You go to jail if convicted and in the villages you can be stoned to death. They want to remove all homosexuals from the country because they fear that they will corrupt the rest of the population to become homosexuals too. Therefore, my Christian co-workers were signing a church-sponsored petition to keep homosexuality illegal.
I told them that I have friends who are homosexuals in the states and they told me that I should end those friendships. I told them that they were being ridiculous and that this is not what Christ would do. We are called to love our brothers and sisters - unconditionally. We all fall short of the glory of God - right. I am no different. We are saved by grace - not works - not sexuality. They didn't budge.
It's sad to me that homosexuals are not accepted into church families here and in many other places throughout the world.
We all need Christ.
1 year ago
I am saddened, too. Sad that Christians gloss over their own sin and condemn others when Christ stands ready to forgive and accept everyone. I will pray for you and your coworkers! I think I'm going to finally publish the blog post on homosexuality that I've been "writing" for a long time :-)
We, as Christians, can get so caught up in what offends us that we forget how much we ourselves have offended God.
I can so easily forget that, from God's perspective (the only perspective that actually matters), my sin assigns me the same fate as those who sin in a different way than I do. Only by the grace, mercy and love of God will encounter a fate different than the one I deserve.
I am not absolved from calling sin, sin, but I need to remember that my position is no different but for the grace of God.
John Q
"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8
Homosexuals are not going to Hell because they are homosexuals... if they took away that sin, they would STILL be sinners. WE need a Savior whether we are straight or gay. If sinners are banned from a country because of a specific sin, none of us would have a home.
I'm so grateful that God is merciful to us... witholding what we deserve and giving us His Son! What a kind and loving Father!
Love, Lisa
First of all I would like to apologize profusely for taking so long to blog again. Things have been very crazy for me the last few weeks...but I'm back.
Secondly, I would like to thank you very much for posting this blog. I have had many, MANY similar conversations with my fellow Christian friends and I have hit very similar walls. Unfortunately I am not as good at quoting specific Bible verses to back up my position, but I do know the Basics: God's love is unconditional, We all fall short of His kingdom everyday, & He is to be the Judge not us---we are to simply love one another and treat them as we would like to be treated.
Simple, powerful words...yet they somehow get lost among our own prejudices.
Hey Mel,
Wow - what a powerful post. I am with Laedelas on this one - I am saddened by this. Christians are supposed to be people who don't pass judgement on others - but we do! Where is the love?? I am thankful for God's Love, Grace and Mercy. Who said the heart of a homosexual isn't like ours - seeking Christ? I miss my good friend John Brown who loved Jesus and is at home with him, in peace. John taught others so much through his sexuality. I wish I could be so bold myself.
My prayers are with you and your co-workers. May God's Spirit reign over you and continue to give you strength.
Keep being bold!! Love you girlie!
The other Lisa (REDhead)
I think that governments should pass moral laws. It is the job of the church to love sinners. Its the governments job to protect people form others and themselves. Banning murder is good as is banning harmful drugs as is banning sodomy. Now there should be fair rule of law and if your not locking people up for being angry then you can't lock them up for lust but actions of anger or lust (murder, adultery, sodomy). The body of Christ must show His love to everyone made in His image. In His eyes we are all born lawbreakers we are in need of His grace. I am just saying that governments can and should discourage sin and the church must love sinners not their sin.
That being said I don't know if I would sign the petition or not but I do know that you should keep your friends and show them the love of Christ as I try to do with my gay friends. Sorry for the long comment. I'll be praying for you your co workers and our friends.
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