I walked into our dining area from my office to find a strange young woman sitting at our coffee table eating some fresh pineapple. I'm not alarmed by strangers in my house/office anymore. But it's still weird. I introduced myself and asked for her name.
"Happy" she replied without hesistating.
I was encouraged. She understood my english. We could have a conversation.
I asked why she was in our dining area and she told me that she wanted to know what we were doing in their community. I ushered her into the office and started to explain the water project. As I was telling her about filters and clean water, I glanced up at our new picture. It's a photo of a beautiful young girl catching rain water in Malawo. It includes our mission statement which is about sharing the love of Christ. I stopped talking about water and started talking about Jesus. I told her we were there to share the love of Jesus Christ.
"Are you saved?" she asked.
"Yes" I replied. "I am a follower of Jesus Christ - I love him very much."
"Well I am not saved" she said bluntly. I was surprised. I didn't even ask. I assumed she would say that she was.
So we started talking about Jesus. She explained that she goes to church, but she isn't saved yet. She says that it just isn't her time. I tried to explain to her why she shouldn't wait. But I felt like I was being too persuasive. I didn't want her to simply accept my point of view. I wanted her to accept Christ. So we continued talking about Jesus and loving Him and living our lives for Him. Eventually she said that she wants to be saved. I told her that she can be saved today. But she wasn't quite ready for that yet. So I simply told her that I hoped to see her again tomorrow.
She was Happy. And I am hopeful!
Please pray for her. That God would do a mighty work in her heart. And that He would give me wisdom and a great love for her.
Dear God, I pray that You would give Melanie wisdom and discernment in how to pray for and talk to this woman. I pray that You would allow Melanie to depend on You for words and how to lead the conversation. I pray that You would give Melanie peace about this woman's salvation, to trust that You are in control. Amen.
You both will surely be in my prayers!
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