Friday, March 13, 2009

Prayer for aid workers in Sudan

Please pray for three aid workers from Doctors without Borders who were kidnapped yesterday and are now being held for ransom in Sudan. They are a Canadian nurse, Italian doctor, and a French co-ordinator. Please pray for their protection and safety - and for their kidnappers. You can read the article here for more details:

Please take the time to care for them through prayer today. They need our Lord.

Thank you so much.


Lisa said...

Dear Lord,

I pray for this team of workers in Africa that has been abucted. Lord, you know the situation and the purpose behing it all. Would bring people to Christ EVEN through this! Would you bring about Your Will as You care for these people. Amen.

Lisa said...


I am praying for you, too! Where are you these days? What's happening in your daily life?

Do you have a mailing address you can share, yet?

Love, Lisa

Unknown said...

Mel keep us posted on your address ect... I love you and miss you! Mom, Dad, and Gram Scherf are all great! Aunt Sib is in town helping Gram right now. Mom and Dad's move is still a Journey but they are doing great. Stay safe!