In scripture...God doesn't send us places (like Uganda.) We go with
Do what you do with the Lord, not for the Lord.
him to places.
Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in
me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me - you can do
nothing." John 15:5
May we abide in Him today. Walk with Him. Spend time with Him, today.
He loves you so much!
So what's God teaching you?
Thanks for the reminder that He is God. We are not.
From Romans 14 and 15 God has been reminding me that to love believers even if they don't have "my standards" is how I can glorify Him.
14:17 "for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for loving those who are not like us!
Hey - I was catching up on the Blog today...and just thought I'd share what we say at Hot Metal all the time:
God is Good, All the Time.
All the Time, God is Good!
Keep doing his work and be Blessed!
Lisa (RED) :)
I'm learning about loving different kinds of people. I'm learning that God orchestrates relationships for our good and His glory. It's best if I follow His lead and as you say, work WITH Him, rather than try to force relationships that may feel more comfortble. After all... it's not about us, but about Him! It's all about obediently following, not forcfully manipulating! God is so good to meet us with grace!
How are you being specifically challenged to work WITH God? What relationships seem particularly challenging to you these days? How are you responding? What action is God calling you to take?
Love, Lisa
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