Monday, October 12, 2009

Planting seeds

(Church in Oru Tabo)

This weekend our Household Water Team was invited to preach and show the Jesus film in two of our communities where they had been constructing water filters, sharing bible stories and praying.

Over the past three days, we shared the Jesus film with more than 500 community members. On Friday, they showed the film and spent all night praying with the village of Oru Tabo. On Saturday they remained in this village to continue sharing with them and on Sunday they shared the Jesus film with more than 300 men, women, and children from a neighboring village named Omun Tebe.

Many of our men shared with me this morning about the amazing work God was doing. They spoke of healings and new committments to Jesus. One man said, "The people of Oru Tabo couldn't believe that our organization would bring this message to them. But I responded, it isn't our organization that brings this message - it is God."

"It is as if they know the Bible, but they have never understood it. This message was new to them. Salvation through Christ - not through works."

Please pray that God would grow the seeds that have been planted. Pray that many will place their faith in Christ for their salvation - not in their works. And please pray that God would receive all the praise and glory for the great work that's being done - physically and spiritually.

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