Friday, October 2, 2009

Rainy Season

(Bihanga rains - one brave and strong little girl)

This poor little girl got stuck in the rain yesterday. Man, she's a trooper! Those yellow jerrycans of water are seriously heavy (25 lbs/ea maybe) and this rain was coming down like something fierce. I wish I could have invited her in for some hot cocoa...

So it's rainy season again in Uganda. We get two rainy seasons a year in the West - an amazing blessing. That is why we can grow a ridiculous amount of bananas, and why we eat matoke (plaintain mush) for every meal. It rains for about 30 minutes to 1 hour a day, maybe three or four times a week. In between rains, are blue skies. This is so different from Liberia where it would rain for days - even weeks on end - without even a speck of blue on the horizon.

These rains are so important for our people right now. If it is a good season, then a good harvest can be expected and water sources should be more plentiful. If it is a bad season, then "people will suffer." Living here makes me very aware of the importance of rain to ensure a healthy livelihood - specifically for our team and little Moses.

Feel free to pray with us for the rain. Trusting that God will provide exactly the amount that He knows we need...


Aly sun said...

There is nothing like the down-pour of African rain. It is SOOO loud on those tin roofs. Also, not good to be stuck out in it. Poor little girl sure showed determination.

Lisa said...

Praying today for God's grace to pour on you like the rainy season in Uganda... a lot of rain to allow for lots of fruit... with blue skies in between! :-)

Love, Lisa